Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Environmental Action Day

Today was the first Environmental action day we have had in Plas Madoc. Organised by Communities First The day centred around Glaslyn. The day involved officers from North Wales Police, North Wales Fire & Rescue Service, Victim Support and workers from the councils Housing & Environment Departments. Everyone split into teams of two groups one comprising housing officers, Police & Fire officers who knocked on residents doors and spoke to residents ,and the other clearing up rubbish from people houses.

The areas covered were Gwynant, Glaslyn, Alwen, Idwal & Ogwen. The day was a great success we managed to clear a few skip fulls of rubish from peoples houses. The hope now is that residents as well as council workers will keep on top of it so as to keep those areas clean. I would like to pay a special thankyou to Andrew Harradine from Communites First for organising the day, hopefully we can have another such day in another part of Plas Madoc in the near future!


BOXER said...

Super post again Blacksponge, you've obviously done your homework. My ex Missus lives in
Idwal and he had his rubbish out all day but nobody came to collect it, so he's put it all in his bath!! He rang me and said could you go and collect it now as he wants a bath. He also said "it was the best day I can remember since the 1977 Queens Jubilee".

On the flip side, my pal lives in Dinas. She put her undies on the washing line this morning before work but got home to find them on the skip. Never mind we all rallied round and got them back for her.

Must agree with the Harradine shout, great man. I remember when he used to play outside left for Moscow - a superb player and he had two feet, which in those days was rare. Cheers

norman said...

got to agree with Boxer your homework was without fault. You made many peoples dreams come true this day. I likened you to our very own version of Jimmy Saville a proper mr fix it - a true peoples man.
You've just got my vote chubby - 4 more years
I didn't know it was going on until it'd finished. But I'm not mad cos I had already agreed to go and watch badgers in the woods with Ron Davies.

BOXER said...


i'd love to squeeze your arse blackturd!

Sorry to bring this up on your blog but is it true that you wear a short skirt, fishnets and a fur coat for important meetings at the Ebenezer Centre?

norman said...

just read in the paper that on the same day a house was damaged in a fire and cos the firemen were doing the clean up there was no one to put the fire out.
Also the man who started it was seen moonwalking down the road safe in the knowledge that the police were busy cleaning peoples gardens.
Not so successful after all was it.
Not that I'm blaming you that must fall on that Hestletine bloke who arranged it.
Do they call you blackturd cos you drink a lot of guiness. I used to have the same problem but it cleared up when I switched to drinking malibu with a splash of umbongo thrown in for good measure.
The taste of the caribbean in cefn.

BOXER said...

Lets get one thing straight, I wasn't moonwalking thats how I walk. I'm on the Incapacity and the DLA, £1,000 a week, cheers taxpayers hope you enjoy getting up in the morning for your top jobs. I'll stay in bed having a big xxxx!

Anyway Blackbird, whats your tipple - chinese, mild, snakebite and black? Whatever it is, if you've got black shit you should go and see a quack - as this community needs you, your making one hell of a difference.

Finally, any advice as to how you get into this game as my lad is an avid reader and he's stuck on that income support thing (he's 59).


Anonymous said...

Are you the same paul blackwell that used to be called bummer blackwell because you wouldn't go out with becky blowjob ?
I thought that was dead tight although I had a name for you too. I used to call you "2 stroke" because this is what we thought it would have taken before you spilled you beans. never said it to your face though just behind your back which is ok
can you help me get a council flat

BOXER said...

Bendy wendy, this is a serious blogsite discussing serious issues about the local community of Plas Madoc (and cefn for some reason).

You cannot cum on here calling the shots about Blackspunk being a "bummer" and "spilling his beans". - He rarely spills his beans when I stroke him and when he does I've never got a council flat.


bendy wendy said...

hi boxer you old sea dog you still a soap dodging, work shy hunk of burning love ?
You have me all wrong I think 2 stroke is a fine man someone you could learn a lot from.
he can bump n grind with me anytime

norman said...

got to agree with boxer serious posts only - keep it real
Blackwell does a ok job and uses this site to tell his people what he has done.
he is our leader.



Hi Councillor Blackwell
your blog site is the talk of the area so to satisfy my curiosity I thought I'd take a look.

I have no interest in the majority of your posts or the comments associated with them.

However I would like to know why should the people of Plas Madoc vote for you again.

Also could you list your top 3 successes since you were elected.

I await your reply

ps have you heard of a dictionary or spellcheck. Some of your posts would embarrass a child and makes you appear to be somewhat of a simpleton

BOXER said...

blacksick, blackturtle, blackbird, blackpork, blackspew, blackprick, blackrod, blacktart, blackbeef, blackjam, blackrock & blacksock.

Only sensible comments on this site please or it gets abit silly.


norman said...
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