Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Ebenezer Centre

At Last the D.V.C.P have finally got possesion of the newly restored former Ebenezer Chapel. Shortly a new cafe bar will be open in the centre and we can enjoy a coffee on the square.

The new centre will be an asset for everyone that lives within the Cefn Community.


BOXER said...

Yeeeeaaaaggggghhhh Blackie, that sounds great you crazy sonofabitch!

Just like the old days when we drank kauphy and ate dohknuts in Times Square.

c ya later dude.

norman said...

I'll have a drink and a chat with you cos you seem to be a man who would be interesting. But you must buy the drinks cos I am not allowed my own money cos of a unfortunate past with horses who couldn't run.
Although Mrs Norm has said I can only go if they provide chairs on the square cos if I come home one more time with the arse ripped out of my trousers caused by sitting on the floor she will not let me back in the house. She also said sitting on the floor will play havoc with my piles.
She is always right.
Anyway get in touch if you want to meet. I'll come holding a newspaper and you with some flowers so we recognise you. What do you look like ?

norman said...

mrs norm has seen my last comment and said it sounds a bit gay especially the last bit about wanting to meet you.
Again she is spot on and i see her point.
So just to clarify I am not a gay and I am not trying to groom you either.
what does DVCP stand for?
I have come up with the following guesses - all good ones in their own way but I'm almost certain they're all wrong
Debbie Venables Crack Pongs
Do Virgins Come Prepared
David Vine Came Pissed
Dance Very Cute Please

You are like the riddler from batman - you tease your audience with clues but not the answers

BOXER said...

Blackcock listen up.

Norman is gay and is definitely trying to "groom you". I can tell by his posts - I should know my great grandad was one (we all reckon he started it).

Anyway, dont worry about that lets have that drink at the centre, i'll be wearing tracky bottoms tucked in my socks, sports jacket and cravat. Can you wear the tightest trousers you've got, tank top, tee shirt saying "I am the Resurrection"(optional) and Jesus sandals. Dont wear the trilby this time as it hides your lovely hair.

Bye now