Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Lies & Innuendo

In Monday evenings, Evening leader Mr John Bell the Conservative candidate for the Welsh Assembly Accused me of "Double Standards" of opposing the closure of the leisure centre in public but backing its closure in a council meeting which took place on the 30th January.
Well for everyones information i was not in the guildhall on the 30th of January i was instead chairing a meeting of Cefn Community Council. Mr bells letter shows his complete ignorance regarding the way the county council is run. All decisions in Wrexham are taken by a ten member Executive board heavily dominated by a coalition of Liberals, Conservatives and independents. I suggest Mr Bell directs his comments at that group. I need to remind everyone including Mr Bell that it was a Labour council who supported the building of the Leisure centre and the wave machine in the pool as well as its continued use up to now. I am tottaly opposed the closure of the centre, and working with others will do everything possible to stop it. I have never voted in principle to close the centre "their has never been a vote on the matter"

Sunday, February 25, 2007

The week ahead 26th - 28th Feb

Not a lot of meetings this week

Monday - a meeting of the community council

Tuesday - a meeting of the labour party exec committee

Wednesday - a meeting of the Environment & Regeneration Scrutiny committee, which will be discussing the provision of librarys, Plas Madoc does not have one and the report makes a mention of that.

A meeting of the full council takes place after to discuss the budget and to set the council tax for the comming year. I do not see why the people of plas madoc should have to pay their council tax this year due to the savage cuts imposed on the people by this lib-dem led administration.
It does not sound very responssible comming from a councillor, but i belive that the people are not getting the service they are paying for.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Is this a car park!

The above pictures show the state of dis-repair of the so called car park at the back of houses on hampden way. The estate office have told me time and again that the pot-holes would be fixed and time and again nothing happens! Its about time officers pulled their fingers out and did something about this blot on the landscape.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Surgery Time!

Its time for my once a month advice surgery.
This is held on Tuesday 21st February, at the opportunity centre ( old community centre ) Hampden Way. The advice surgery starts at 6.30pm. If you have any problem or want advice regarding any service provided by the Council then please turn up.

If you cannot be there, you can contact me during the day on 01490 430873 or evening and other times on 07855 620879 Or if you have a computer you can e-mail me at Bu please make sure you do not e-mail me with a hot mail account.

Sunday, February 11, 2007


So David Cameron the Tory leader has at last admitted taking soft drugs when he was younger.
So What!!

I belive that soft drugs should be legalised. Why? Because by making them legal you break the link with the grug dealer. It known that a drug dealer will always try to sell you soft drugs at a low price and pursade you later to take hard drugs. In countries where soft drugs are legal, such as in Holland where you can buy them in licensed cafes, the use of hard drugs is neglegable.
By legalising soft drugs we can give the police real time to agressively pursue hard drug dealers. Also if soft drugs were legal the government could tax them and thus poor the revenue into the fight against hard drugs.

My views are controversal, but without radical action we will continue to loose the war on drugs.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Leisure Review

As has been reported in the press recently the rulling Lib-Dem Council has come up with proposals for leisure within wrexham. Contary to the press articles the leisure centre in Plas Madoc is not closing. What is under threat is the Leisure Pool. The reason this is under threat is because it is thirty years old, leaking and costs too much to run. Also the rest of the leisure centre building needs a new roof and boiler room. To pay for this the Lib-Dems are proposing to close the pool.
The sports council for wales produced a report which stated that if all improvements including those to the pool were not carried out within the next five years then the centre would have to close. So the option we have is either close the pool or the entire leisure centre.

This Lib-Dem council should honour its commitments to Plas Madoc as a Communities First area and spend some money it puts into balances every year to provide a leisure centre which the people of Plas Madoc and the Borough can be proud of.