Friday, October 13, 2006

The General Is Right !

Having listened to the head of the British army, General Sir Richard Donnatt i could not agree more with his comments. Sir Richard said 'We have got to get out of Iraq soon, because our presence exacerbates the security problems' I have been against this war in Iraq from the start, why? because anyone who has been taught foreign politics will understand that for various reasons some countries are run by dictators. and others by democracy. The reason Iraq was run by dictatorship was because it is a false country, invented by the British after the second world war. The country was originaly three seperate states, the only way to hold this religious divided country together was by force, now that force has gone we have chaos.

So what will happen when we pull out? There will no doubt be a civil war, and after that? the country will go back to three seperate states. The south will be run by a Shite religious government - modelled on Iran, the centre will be run by a sunni religious government - modelled on Saudi Arabia, and the North will be the only part where we have any hope of democracy, that as is now will be run by the Kurds.

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