Sunday, November 25, 2007

Northern Rock Vs Fairpack

What is the difference between Northern Rock & Fairpack. Northern rock has thousands of middle class savers so must be saved fairpack had thousands of working class saver so must be allowed to fail.

Every taxpayer has put £900 of their money into failed bank Northern rock in order to make sure everyone who has savings with that institution is not at risk from loosing a penny. On the other hand Fairpack customers who are mainly poor working class people only get 5p of every £1 they saved with that company. I realise that the government must be seen to uphold the British banking system but giving just 5p in the pound to every saver of failed Fairpack is an insult to the poor of this country.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A Nightmare of a Ministry

Before Gordon Brown became Chancellor, the Treasury was a nightmare department with each Chancellor getting into trouble over something going wrong in the economy. But from 1997 to 2007 being Chancellor has been a fine job with virtually nothing going wrong, quite remarkable!

However since Gordon Brrown left in June and Mr Darling took over it has gone back to being the job it was prior to May 1997 - a Nightmare! First poor Alistair has had to put up with the Northern Rock crisis, a bank which should have been nationalised the minute it got into trouble and now H.M Revenue & Customs loosing records of up to 25 million people and all of the children in the U.K. And it will probably not stop their.

Whatever magic ingredient Gordon Brown had for managing this Department Alistair Darling needs in spades.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

We will remember them

This morning we had the annual Remembrance day service at the Cenotaph, Cefn Mawr. As Chairman of the Community Council I laid the wreath on behalf of the whole community, an excellent service was conducted by the Rev Aiden Coleman. It was nice to see, despite having to stand in pouring rain so many people from across the community turning out, more people each year are turning out to pay there respects to those who have died in war.